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The Hindu Newspaper and Current Affairs 06 feb 2022

 The Hindu Newspaper 

The Hindu Newspaper pdf 
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Important Current Affairs are as follow (to get full detailed pdf of  below Current Affairs click hereDetailed current affairs pdf download 👈🏻

India’s Unemployment Rate in January 2022

The Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy recently released the unemployment report. According to the report, the unemployment in India was at 6.57% in January 2022. This is the lowest since March 2021. The improvement comes as the lock down restrictions was eased in the country. Unemployment rate in January 2022 (see in detailed current affairs pdf above) 

Aravalli Biodiversity Park-India’s first OECM site
February 6, 2022

On World Wetlands Day, that is, on February 2, the Aravalli Biodiversity Park was announced as the first Other Effective Area – based Conservation Measures site, OECM site. What is OECM? The OECM tag is provided by the International Union for Conservation of Nature, IUCN. (See in detailed current affairs pdf above )

100 years of Chauri Chaura incident

Chauri Chaura is located in Gorakhpur of Uttar Pradesh. Mahatma Gandhiji called off the non – cooperation movement due an incident that occurred in Chauri Chaura. The incident occurred on February 4, 1922. India recently celebrated the 100 years of the Chauri Chaura incident. What happened? [See in detailed Current Affairs pdf above ]

Russia – China Joint Statement
The Russian President Vladimr Putin and the Chinese president Xi Jing Pin held a face to face meeting. This is the first time the leaders are meeting in two years. The leaders released a joint statement after the meet. What did the statement say? [See in detailed Current affairs pdf above ]

New Events of 2028 Olympics
The 2028 Olympics is to be held in Los Angeles. This is after the 2024 Olympics to be held in Paris. The 2022 Olympics was held in Tokyo. These are all the summer Olympics, the main Olympics. The one that is being held in China right now is Winter Olympics. 
[See in detailed pdf above]

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